Month: <span>December 2019</span>

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…”                           Ecclesiastes 4:1 It’s that time…

Guest Articles Herb 'N Wisdom and Natural Living Podcasts

Health Herb 'N Wisdom and Natural Living Podcasts Tutorials

First, what is Hydrogen Peroxide? “Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a clear, colorless, odorless liquid. It’s a combination of hydrogen and oxygen and is available in many strengths (indicated by the…

Health Herb 'N Wisdom and Natural Living Podcasts Life & Living

Witch-Hazel, what the heck is that? Definition of witch-hazel 1: “any of a genus (Hamamelis of the family Hamamelidaceae, the witch-hazel family) of shrubs or small trees with slender-petaled usually yellow…

Health Herb 'N Wisdom and Natural Living Podcasts Natural herbals

When amazing healing happens that doesn’t involve prescription drugs or surgery, I want to tell the world about it. This product may not be for everyone but that’s for you…


“To Know Her Calling” is a Christian-Fiction-Romance that deals with self-doubt, releasing one’s fears, and listening to God.  This book will leave you feeling inspired and hopeful.  It’s also a…

Life & Living