Hey Friends! Today we are talking about the benefits of proofreading your manuscript and, to be more specific, printing and proofreading your manuscript out loud.

After proofreading through your written word more than a couple of times, your eyes will scan over incorrect but common words in your story. It’s not your fault, so don’t kick yourself. It’s just repetition kicking in where you stop to notice something you’ve read through multiple times.
Paid editors can help. Yet, I still recommend having your work printed and for you to read it out loud. Unlike reading without a verbal, your ears will pick up on misplaced words, incomplete sentences, etc.
Now, use your search engine in the writing program you are working in for other common words such as “the, and, she, too,” that you still may skim over while reading out loud. Then instead of typing “the” type “thee, or th”. For “and, type an.” just to double-check that all of these words are correct and not missing a letter. Your editor is supposed to catch a lot of this, but they are human, so reading out loud, having an editor, and searching for these common words should help eliminate certain common, misspelled, or missed words.
Another reason to read your work out loud is sometimes an author will add to their story before finishing a sentence. What do I mean by that? Often when I read out loud, my mind comes up with a different way to say something, or I add to my story because my voice triggers my imagination. Almost the same as when a child interrupts a story saying, “and then the princess does this, right?” While listening, they have developed an ending or scenario in their mind before you ever finish.

Our minds are creative, magical, and full of energy. Another example is when a person says affirmation in their mind, they are beginning the process of making those affirmations come true. But, as soon as they speak them, a person’s mind triggers a different element in their brain. That says you indeed mean business.
Words, in general, are powerful, so reading them produces emotions, and drama, especially when you really try to play your characters. This happens when you read yourself and if you were to have someone else read your book out loud to you. It’s exhilarating and unforgettable when your words are proclaimed.
I did this with one of my novels; it was like a light turned on inside. As my friend read, I would pause, saying, “I need to add something,” or “I love it!” What a great feeling to have your book read out loud by someone else!!! Even if you aren’t asking someone to read so you could catch something off, I would recommend it to be inspired that you are on the right track and people will love your story!
Depending on the page count of your manuscript, the price is pretty low to have it printed. For instance, my novel was 350 pages, and the cost was $40.00. The price depends on where you have it printed. This cost is nothing to perfect your novel or book before releasing it into the world. Holding it in your hands for the first time is also a tremendous feeling. I also ensure I have a highlighter to make notes and mark up the manuscript. Needless to say, I visit Office Depot a lot, lol.
All of these steps matter. If you are not in love with your story or excited, no one else will be. So, create your unique story/book, get an editor, get it printed, and proofread it out loud or have someone read it to you. These steps will not only save you from printing mistakes but also help build your confidence in your manuscript and project.
Why do you think book readings are so popular? When an author reads their own words, the joy and thrill come out in their voice pulling the audience in and enticing them to buy your book. If you are a seasoned or beginner author, I would always suggest you do readings in your community or during a book tour.
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