Russian Tea Recipe

Russian Tea
#heatherearles #herbnwisdom #naturalliving #russiantearecipe

Well, if you’re like me and love a hot drink to relax with, then you are going to love this Russian Tea Recipe.

Where I live, it is more in the negative temperatures during the winter months than it is above zero. I’m not telling you so that you can be jealous, more so to understand I know the ability a hot drink has to light the fire inside when the outside temps are less than attractive.

Add a good book, favorite movie, or Epson salt bath, and you have hit the jackpot.

Russian Tea

Serves 6-8


  • 16-ounce jar instant orange drink, such as Tang or I use one that is a little healthier packed full of vitamins along with a natural orange flavor.
  • 1 package unsweetened lemonade mix
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened instant tea
  • 2 cups sugar. You can use sweetened tea and cut down on the amount of sugar.
  • 1 tsp ground cloves
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • A pinch of salt
  • A dash of pepper


  1. Mix all the ingredients well and store in a tightly closed container. I use a jar.
  2. Add to hot water as many teaspoons as desired to taste.
  3. Serve.

Now add this recipe to your list of hot drinks you bring out during those winter months or when company comes and you are toasting to the season.

I even use this drink when I’m under the weather and need a pick me up. Either way, enjoy and share the flavor with the people you love.

Heather Earles
Heather Earles

Is the owner of H&E Literary Works LLC, writes for a local newspaper, has written several books to include  A Busy Morning On The Farm and an upcoming thriller/drama series called “Prisoner Within.” She is a Print Specialist for Pufferprint, writes a blog on healthy living to aid and inspire. She has a podcast called Herb ‘N Wisdom™, enjoys country living, God, and her family. “I love helping people heal and feel better about life.”

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