5 Substances that will Protect Your Liver

Heather talking about how to protect your liver

The liver has a big job to do and gets few breaks, so why not make its job easier?

As humans, we abuse our bodies with food and drink, exposure to toxins, and an array of other things. And although it is resilient, there is still a breaking point in which it is hard for the body to recover or the recovering process takes longer.

However, protecting our liver can be a matter of life and death, so we should pay a little more attention to it, our health in general, and help it thrive in its environment.

Although there are several things we can do to help the liver, today we will talk about 5 substances that will protect your liver.

In this modern life, with processed foods as the standard American diet and a tremendous amount of sugar intake, it’s no surprise that nutritional support is a significant key in helping the liver. To go a step further, here are the top hepatoprotective substances.

1. Curcumin

If you know me or follow my blog, you know that Turmeric/Curcumin is my favorite healer from cancer to inflammation, immune system support, and the liver. The active polyphenols in the spice are responsible for the healing benefits and the rich yellow color.

“Oxidative stress can cause a host of inflammatory injuries that damage healthy cells. A Chinese research team explored the use of curcumin to alleviate damage to liver cells caused by exposure to ethanol, the intoxicating ingredient found in many alcoholic beverages.

In the study, rats pretreated with curcumin before exposure to ethanol demonstrated less oxidative damage through measured enzymatic activity. Researchers concluded that oxidative damage to liver cells was significantly ameliorated by curcumin treatment.” -The Epoch Times.

I have also seen this in myself, friends, and family who have had health issues. After starting on the turmeric, not only were the health issues resolved in many of the cases, but the continued use improved the overall health of the entire body, not just in the liver but in the blood and immune system too.

As to how much a person should take, I would suggest starting with one teaspoon of loose turmeric, adding a dash of pepper put it in warm water, and down it. Or here are a few more ways in which you can enjoy turmeric/curcumin.

2. Coffee

5 substances to protect your liver
#heatherearles #herbnwisdom #naturalliving #Liverprotectors #northernhealer

For you, morning coffee drinkers, here’s some good news. Not only does coffee lower your chances of premature death, but it also helps prevent gout and Parkinson’s. And because coffee is the best source of antioxidants and contains essential nutrients, it significantly decreases the risk of Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), according to a 2016 meta-analysis. The analysis also showed a “significantly decreased risk of liver fibrosis among patients with NAFLD who drank coffee on a regular basis.”

So, in other words, keep drinking that dark brew and savor not only the smell and taste of your coffee but the fact it is a cup full of health.

3. NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)

“N-acetyl cysteine, or NAC, is a precursor of the amino acid L-cysteine that acts as a potent antioxidant. While L-cysteine is found in poultry, eggs, yogurt, and sulfur-rich vegetables, NAC can only be obtained in supplement form. NAC works by scavenging free radicals, especially oxygen radicals, making it a potentially powerful ally in the treatment of oxidative stress, a crucial factor in liver diseases.” -Epoch Times

4. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is fat-soluble. This means that the body can store it in the liver to use for days when you might get less than usual. 

It can also help protect against disease mainly because Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant whose key role is to protect against cell damage. Antioxidants are essential in our body, topically and internally, as they help prevent oxidative damage to our body cells by removing free radicals (the bad guys). It also helps maintain a good and healthy immune system that can help you fight off certain diseases like cancer and heart disease.

Vitamin E plays a huge role in your liver’s function as it protects it against oxidative damage caused by exposure to formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is the most common home and industrial toxin found in carpeting, wood cabinets, furniture, products, cosmetics, paints, detergents, pesticides, and glues.

Vitamin E can usually be found in food sources that contain fat like avocados, nuts, seeds, dark leafy greens, and fish. To be precise, you can get your dose of Vitamin E from fortified breakfast cereals, almonds, safflower, sunflower seeds, wheat germ oil, hazelnuts, and a lot more. You should remember that you have to control portion sizes if you watch your caloric intake. One serving of almonds is around 10 to 14 almonds, not half a cup.

5. Ginsenosides

According to bio-med research international, “Ginseng is a traditional Chinese medicine with a wide range of pharmacological activities. Ginsenosides are the major constituents of ginseng. Ginsenosides have unique biological activity and medicinal value, such as antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antioxidation, and inhibition of cell apoptosis.

With the increase of stress in life, the incidence of nervous system diseases is also increasing. Neurological diseases pose a huge burden on people’s life and health. In recent years, some studies have shown that ginsenosides have a certain role in the prevention and treatment of neurological diseases.”

This anti-inflammatory power of ginsenosides helps the liver by promoting the healthy metabolism of fat and may alleviate liver injury in patients with fatty liver disease.

You can get this polyphenol in supplement form, which comes from the Panax ginseng root.

Protecting your liver all through your life

Currently, where toxins surround us at every turn, it is essential to stay ahead of the curve and protect your liver. More than ever, we need to pay attention to our health by eating correctly, working out, lowering our stress levels, and feeding proper nutrients to our organs.

Your goal should be to help, not hurt your body, so you can live a vibrant, content life with fewer health issues or debilitations that come from ignoring your body’s need to be cared for.

Heather Earles
Heather Earles

Is the owner of H&E Literary Works LLC, writes for a local newspaper, has written several books to include  A Busy Morning On The Farm and an upcoming thriller/drama series called “Prisoner Within.” She is a Print Specialist for Pufferprint, writes a blog on healthy living to aid and inspire. She has a podcast called Herb ‘N Wisdom™, enjoys country living, God, and her family. “I love helping people heal and feel better about life.”


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