Chai Hot Chocolate

Chai Hot Chocolate
#heathereareles #herbnwisdom #naturalliving #chaihotchocolaterecipes #northerngirl

The weather has been so incredible lately. It’s still warm but with a little breeze. I checked the garden yesterday, and the little sugar pumpkins are a beautiful orange, so I picked one.

Since I had my little daughter with me, we also picked some large zucchini and fed them to the milk cows, calves, and our little pony, Sylvia. It was just like a sweet story playing out.

After a while, however, the sun was going down, which meant it was getting chilly, and Chai was on my mind. So, we walked back to the house with our little pumpkin and washed it up.

How to make Chai Hot Chocolate
#heathereareles #herbnwisdom #naturalliving #chaihotchocolaterecipes #northerngirl

I had to convince my daughter I was not baking it down to make pumpkin pie yet, but instead, we were going to make some delicious chai hot chocolate.

I, like a lot of people, although we love coming up with our own brew or creation, we also appreciate a good recipe when we find one. This Chai hot chocolate is a simple version, and when I don’t have a lot of time, I like to use it and modify it a touch.

Since I am a huge advocate for healthy living, I always add a dash of turmeric and pepper, which will aid in your health yet bring out the flavor in your drink. So here it is…

Chai Hot Chocolate

This recipe is for 2 serving and created by Christina Lane and modified by Heather Earles

PREP TIME 5 minutes
COOK TIME 5 minutes
TOTAL TIME 10 minutes

Making Chai hot chocolate
#heatherearles #herbnwisdom #naturalliving #hotchocolate


  1. 1 1/2 cups chai concentrate
  2. 1/2 cup whole milk of your choice
  3. 2 tablespoons organic cocoa powder
  4. whipped cream, for serving
  5. cinnamon sticks, for serving
  6. ¼ tsp turmeric with a dash of cayenne or black pepper (optional)


  1. In a small pan, combine the chai concentrate and your milk of choice over medium heat. Heat until steaming, about 5 minutes. (Alternatively, heat it in the microwave for 1-2 minutes until steaming).
  2. Add one tablespoon of cocoa powder to the bottom of two mugs along with the turmeric and pepper. Slowly whisk half of the hot chai mixture into the cocoa powder into each cup.
  3. Top with whipped cream, an extra dusting of cinnamon, and serve.

Chai hot chocolate is a simple drink, yet very warming, and a perfect way to end your day alone with a book or with the family.
Enjoy your day, friends, and remember to enjoy the simple pleasures in life.

Heather Earles
Heather Earles

Is the owner of H&E Literary Works LLC, writes for a local and state newspaper, has written several books to include  A Busy Morning On The Farm and an upcoming thriller/drama series called “Prisoner Within.” She is a Print Specialist for Pufferprint, writes a blog on healthy living to aid and inspire. She has a podcast called Herb ‘N Wisdom™, enjoys country living, God, and her family. “I love helping people feel better about life.”

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