Everyone loves a hot soup in the cold of Winter. Something hearty that reminds us of warmth and nourishes our insides. Minestrone is one of my go-to favorites because of the flavor and richness of the broth.
This recipe I’m sharing with you is pretty much the basics of soups and can be made by anyone. Beginners to advanced this will be an easy recipe to add to your cookbooks. With that being said, let’s get started with this easy, step by step tutorial on how to make the best Minestrone Soup.
Kitchen items Needed:
- Large cooking pot
- Cutting board
- Large knife
Food Items Needed:
- 2 lbs hamburger
- 4 medium carrots
- 2 Large onions
- 3 stalks of celery
- Beef Bouillon Cubes
or beef base
. One cube per quart of soup or to taste. (Roughly six cubes for this size pot.)
- 6 quarts of water
- 4 14.5oz cans of chopped diced tomatoes
- 2 14.5oz cans of red kidney beans. (optional)
- 1 lb bag of macaroni or rigatoni. (if you don’t have either type listed, any noodle will work.)
- In your large pot, brown your 2 lbs of hamburger over medium heat. Before the hamburger is cooked all the way, chop your onions and throw them in the pot to be cooked. Drain the grease in a can or cup and dispose of when cooled.
- Add your 4 cans of diced tomatoes
and stir. Add your kidney beans at this point if want to include them.
- Then add your water.
- Cut up your carrots and celery, adding them to the pot next.
- Continue heating until all ingredients are cooked through. Add your bouillon or Beef Base
to taste.
- Last are your noodles. Add your 1 lb bag to the pot and stir until they are tender.
- You are now ready to serve an easy, amazing, tasting, Minestrone Soup to your family and or guests.
For an entire meal, simply add a fresh salad and a few slices of homemade bread to your table. Enjoy♥
-Heather Earles
For another great dinner, idea try: How to make Chicken Fried Steak
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