Affirmations and the Power They Have

I was just visiting with a friend about affirmations and the effect they can have on our life.  In this article I will be sharing with you some of what we talked about and encourage you to use it in your own life.affirmations

We have discussed the power of your thoughts a little in my article “The secret to your Health”, http://health but now we will dive more in-depth on the subject and what it can do for you.

It is beyond our abilities to see the affect affirmations have until we look at successful people and how they got there. Let me just say, you pick any successful person anywhere in the world and I guarantee you they have their own set of affirmations they read everyday aloud.

Just like we discussed “You are what you eat”, so it is also true you are what you think.  One of my favorite quotes in this area comes from a great achiever, Henry Ford- “Whether you think you can or think you can’t — you are right”.  A thought so true!

I was taught growing up that your subconscious never takes a joke.  In other words, what you put in your mind stays there, never to be removed.  To me that is a pretty scary thing.   That’s why we need to make sure what we are putting in is high quality thoughts that will take you places in life and not tear you down or others.  This also brings us back to why affirmations are so important.  Saying out loud what we want everyday trains our brain and tricks our subconscious into giving it to us.  What we think on and tell ourselves will eventually become a burning desire.  Make no mistake, that burning desire will indeed become an action.

Again, be careful of what you put in because your mind does not filter good against bad.  You have complete control over the outcome of your actions when you have purposely put in what you want to get out.

The goal in this article is to teach you how to write your own affirmations.  These you can read each day, preferably in the morning and again at night.  These affirmations will be based off of you and what areas in your life you want to improve upon and change.  I know from experience that this can seem overwhelming when you don’t have an example so I will provide you one of my own I read every morning.

  1. To start, make a list of all areas in your life you want to improve upon.  Like health, wife, mother, mind, etc.  Or a bad habit you want to break.  Like smoking, drinking, over eating etc.
  2. Next you need to think in-depth what your goal is, why you want it and how you will obtain it.
  3. I always like to include a quote or specific scripture at the bottom of each area I are writing about.
  4. Now get your notebook and start with one area at a time and write.

As promised, here is the example describing what I mean:


  Mind Set

My Goal.  I want to change my way of thinking!

Why? To improve my mental capabilities.  I want to be more wise, kind, selfless, fearless, I want to speak truth.

How will I get there?  Don’t be lazy.  Get up and do my miracle morning, believe in everything I am doing, read affirmations daily, learn to control my thoughts with scripture, change my mind for the better and tell myself everyday YES I CAN!

Proverbs 16:9

The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.

As you can see the length of it doesn’t matter, but I’ve included all the important parts.  Theaffirmations Goal, Why and How.  I have these written in a notebook so I can easily just turn the page and make it through all my affirmations, every morning, one by one:).

Before ending let me say again how important affirmations are to you, your life, your self-esteem and your family.  Be intentional of what goes in and you will achieve great things.

-Heather Earles


  1. mNm said:

    Diane got me the book I am reading now ‘What to Say When You Talk to Yourself’
    About this very thing, and how we can reprogram our brains to break bad habits, retrain ourselves to stay positive and focused etc
    I Love It!

    April 10, 2016
    • Isn’t it truly amazing the power we have on our own mind?! Glad to hear you like the book. I am adding it to my reading list:).

      April 10, 2016

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