Category: <span>Life & Living</span>

Trials and hardships come to us and more often than we would like in life.  Sometimes they seem to hit all at once and other times they come to us…

Life & Living

Forgiveness: the act of forgiving someone or something It’s easy to tell someone they need to forgive, but harder to do it ourselves.  So many things in life are like…

Health Life & Living

We all have setbacks in life.  Some are harder to swallow than others.  What do you do when those times come?  I’m sure crying and frustration are involved, at least…

Life & Living

Beauty is often misplaced or misunderstood.  Our culture puts so much emphasis on being beautiful, with tips in every magazine, store, and commercial.  We look to the outside, but the innermost…

Life & Living

Love is one of the most powerful words in the world. God himself says love is the greatest of gifts (1 Corinthians 13:13.)  With it comes happiness, joy, laughter, kindness…

Life & Living

Staying focused is achievable for the single, married or married with children.  Granted their might be different strategies to use at these different points in your life, but the concept is pretty…

Life & Living

Faith is not just something that comes at Christmas time.  It is something that grows inside of us when we practice it.  It is amazing to me how God knows…

Life & Living

A Woman is poise and grace. complicated only to man, hard-working and a multi tasker. She is easily wounded because she runs off of emotions, cares too much about what people think and cries because,…

Life & Living

Life & Living

By Sarah How To Save Energy At Home Sarah here, from 123SolarPower! I’m so excited to have connected with Heather recently and want to express my thanks to her…

Guest Articles Life & Living