Tag: <span>permanent change</span>

The definition of inspiration from the dictionary is as states: The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. “Helen had one of…

Herb 'N Wisdom and Natural Living Podcasts Life & Living

Herb 'N Wisdom and Natural Living Podcasts Life & Living

Guest Articles Life & Living

Life & Living

Life & Living

Pushing the limits of anything involves stepping outside of your comfort zone and looking for a diamond in the rough or something nobody else can see. Can one push limits…

Life & Living

“You are the same today as you will be in five years except for two things.” “What two things?” the young man asked. “The people you meet and the books…

Life & Living

Guest Articles Health Nutrition and Diet

Trials and hardships come to us and more often than we would like in life.  Sometimes they seem to hit all at once and other times they come to us…

Life & Living

Forgiveness: the act of forgiving someone or something It’s easy to tell someone they need to forgive, but harder to do it ourselves.  So many things in life are like…

Health Life & Living